Announcing a new Facebook Group and a new Blog

We have created a new Facebook Group called

The Childress (Texas) High School Classes of 1960-1966

Created for anyone from the Childress (Texas) High School classes of 1960-1966 who is looking to reconnect or connect with former friends and classmates.

If you are currently a member of Facebook or if you are planning to become a member of Facebook, we invite you to join the group. Contact either Nicki or Jennifer for information.

You are also invited to visit our new blog, Voices From the Class of '63,

Friday, April 11, 2008

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night ...

... the beginning of the egregiously turgid first line of the 1830 novel Paul Clifford, by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, borrowed and lampooned in myriad diverse works from Ray Bradbury (Let's All Kill Constance!) and Charles M. Schulz (Peanuts) to Star Trek: The Next Generation (The Royale). Considered an exemplar of purple prose and over-the-top writing, Bulwer-Lytton and his literary "style" have been perpetuated in recent years by the English Department of San Jose State University in California, in its annual Bulwer-Lytton contest to select the "best" imitation of his florid oeuvre from hundreds of submissions. Nevertheless, with an appropriate caveat to the reader, having been known myself to inhabit wordy environs ranging from pale Lavendar to glaring Psychedlic Purple (yes, there is such a color) ....

It was really a dark and stormy night when old classmates and one former teacher from Childress High School came together for dinner and conversation at Pappadeaux's in Dallas on 9 April. In addition to Yahn and my own happy self, there were Nicki and Jim, Linda Kay and Wayne, Phil and Winnie, and Coach Joe Warren, who lo these many years after CHS gave me permission to call him Joe. (Yes, some people for whom some old habits die hard do still ask, as quaint as that may seem.)

Jim and Joe deep in conversation

The weather was indeed threatening ... thunder, rain, lightning and tornado watches (and warnings!) all around. Yahn and I (who arrived first) were hoping that the storms didn't keep others from attending ... my "glass half full" nature assured me that even if we were blown to Oz and beyond, we would at least die well-fed and stimulated by camaraderie ... and we were not disappointed.

Of course there was no problem recognizing Nicki and Jim, or LK and Wayne, all of whom I've had the great pleasure of seeing recently. Although I had not glimpsed Phil since high school, except in a couple of photos (see the "Biker Bish" ... a new title ... picture on the sidestrip of the main blog), nor Joe, they joined the group in a flurry of hugs and exclamations of how long it had been since waaaay back when. Phil's wife Winnie did not escape our enthusiasm, and I can only hope we didn't alarm her too much. At least she didn't bolt before dinner was served.... (grin)

Phil and Winnie

Once seated around the table, we fell easily into serious and lively conversation, as we parted the veil of years. The only drawback was that the size of the table and the noise level at Pappadeaux's sometimes made it difficult to hear or pursue conversation with those seated opposite us. Still, it was a wonderful evening (illustrated by Nicki's pictures posted here along with her comments) and it is a delightful memory to stoke us as we prepare for the October Reunion in Las Vegas.

We were all pleased that Joe chose to join us. I remember his World History class so well from sophomore year at CHS, particularly some of the "spirited" class discussions (previously described on the blog). He looked great (but then he always did), tanned and fit (a golfer, along with Jim) and he either remembered all of us and seemed genuinely glad to see us, or we can add "thespian" to his resume. (There's an old joke in there, but I'll forgo it ... this time....) We are honored that he will attend the LV Reunion, and I look forward to seeing him again there, and whenever possible.

Although I was not "friends" with Phil or with Nicki and Jim during high school, to me one of the blessings of the blog (the "miracle" if you will) is that it has allowed me to know and appreciate them these 45-ish years later ... and to acknowledge the wonderful people they are today. I honestly don't have enough words (me?) to adequately express how truly thrilled I am to have had the opportunity to "reconnect" with them and with others of our class. Obviously there are some I didn't know well then, with whom I still have absolutely no basis for conversation except that which relates to our shared high school experience ... but I count myself most fortunate to have made new and treasured friends over the past few years as so many of us have become computer, Internet and e-mail literate.

Dear friend Nicki (a great treasure herself) did such a good thing when she started this blog and gave us all the opportunity to "speak" to each other in this forum across the decades, and I am delighted to have been able to work with her to discover and rekindle friendships where none previously existed, or had become dormant. Jim has become such a kind, thoughtful, well-read and conversant man ... and I look forward to each opportunity to get together with them. (Indeed, Yahn opined after the dinner that he regretted not having more of a chance to talk with Jim and Nicki, though we look forward to remedying that deficiency in the future.) LK (so deserving of the appellation "BFF") has never been long out of my life since our early years in grade school at the old Childress Junior High School, but the last few years have seen our friendship grow immeasurably, while Yahn and Wayne have come to know and like each other as well. Phil is a true recent "find"... witty, compassionate, erudite, well-traveled and consciousness-expanded ... and we so anticipate spending more personal time with him and Winnie whenever it is feasible ... although in the interim, e-mail will help fill the gap. And it was serendipity to interact with Joe outside the classroom and the teacher/student strictures which necessarily prevailed so long ago. Indeed, I am blessed by these gifts....

Linda Kay and Wayne Cook
To those of you who read the blog, but never (or rarely) comment, I can only say that you are missing a golden chance to reacquaint with fellow members of the CHS Class of 1963, to let them get to know the "who" you are now, and I urge you to do yourself and us the favor of "coming out" and joining us, on the blog or in Las Vegas, or wherever the opportunity may present itself. My experiences in these endeavors have been positive, as well as life-enhancing and -affirming, even when no new "friendship" has been struck ... and I do believe you will find pleasant surprises as well. To borrow a mangled line from Darryl Morris (which he used to deliver so well in good-ol'-boy-ese back in his Journalism, English and Speech classes): "Them that don't asks (or do), don't gets." And though it may be trite, it is true (I've often thought that if something weren't true, it wouldn't become trite) that one cannot have too many friends....
A big amen to that....


I say Amen to everything that Jennifer said above. Jim and I also had a great time--beyond our wildest expectaions for the evening. We had never met Jennifer's husband Yahn (in the orange shirt), but we knew him instantly when we entered the restaurant and felt very comfortable and at ease with him. We found him most gracious and look forward to getting some quality time really getting to know him in the future.

At the end of the evening, I felt that we had just scratched the surface of really getting reaquainted with everyone. I had the best time visiting with Linda Kay and her husband, Wayne. Because they live in Grapvine which isn't too far from Flower Mound where our family lives, we plan to get together for lunch or dinner in the near future. Needless to say, we "mentioned" grandchildren and old times.

Phil and his wife, Winnie, are a great couple. Phil made us laugh many times as he is a man not only of wisdom, but great jokes and stories. Winnie is such a good sport to join in with us. We had just begun to get to know her a bit before time to leave. We were all amazed to learn about their 3 daughters and 1 son who have blessed them with 15 grandchildren with 2 more on the way!! Next time we meet in Las Vegas, I hope they will bring family photos. We really are looking forward to having Phil share more with us about his travels and work. They tell us that a trip to Peru is in the works for them.

We see Coach Joe a few times a year and it is always wonderful to touch base with him. Jim and I are glad he is joining us in the reunion.

We all give a big thank you to Jennifer who through her planning and restaurant selection gave us a really special evening. We look forward to many more in the dinners in Texas with all of our old friends.

Posted by Jennifer Johnston Smith at 11:02 AM


Philip Tutor said...
Hey Jenn, thank you for putting the dinner together. It was great! Looking forward to Vegas. Maybe less noise for us old folk.Blessings on you!The Bish
April 11, 2008 11:45 PM

Yahn Smith said...

I also enjoyed meeting everyone. I don't know if it is a function of maturity, or a testament to what fine people we all are, or just another of those pesky senior moments, but it was such a pleasure to be around a group of people and none of them seemed to have any axes to grind, none of the old "Oh, I can top that one..." just fellowship and seemingly genuine interest in the other people's thoughts and ideas. Good food, good poeple and enough time... paradise. I really am looking forward to spending more time with everyone and having better conversations when the Cajun background noise of Pappadeauxs will be beaten down to a gentle roar. I know it's authentic Cajun Crawfish House atmosphere but it is hard to carry on conversations. Ah, but Las Vegas is SOOOOO quite and refined. Now that'll be a trip. Well, as Claude Raines once said to Bogie, "I think we have the beginnings of a beautiful friendship here."

clara robinson meek said...
Thanks for sharing the mini reunion! Obviously everyone had a great time.I loved seeing the photos.
April 12, 2008 1:43 PM

Sheila Davis Martinez said..

One of the things I love most about Dallas is her beautiful spring storms! How are the tulips? As warm as it is now, I will bet they have given way to something almost as beautiful and colorful. It is almost time for the lilacs to bloom! OH, how I miss the lilac bushes.Sorry to have gotten so off track. I will blame Jennifer and her lovely description of the storm.If the LV reunion is anything like you have described of your dinner, we will all have the time of our lives!Thanks for sharing the pictures. Everyone looks amazingly the same, yet ...wiser!Glad you all had a wonderful time.
April 13, 2008 12:20 AM

Driscilla Dehtan Storrs said...

It sounds great. Thanks for sharing the evening and the pictures with us. I remember Phil's wife Winnie from Wayland. It's nice to see her again, too. You actually got to call Mr. Warren by his first name? Does that mean we're supposed to be all grown up now?

Driscilla, I think the operative words are "supposed to be all grown up." But don't say it too loud ... you'll frighten the children.... Wish you could have joined us at the dinner. Perhaps we can get something going in West Texas soon. Nicki and I have been talking about it, and I would love to see you again.Thanks for reading ... and for commenting....)O(

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