Announcing a new Facebook Group and a new Blog

We have created a new Facebook Group called

The Childress (Texas) High School Classes of 1960-1966

Created for anyone from the Childress (Texas) High School classes of 1960-1966 who is looking to reconnect or connect with former friends and classmates.

If you are currently a member of Facebook or if you are planning to become a member of Facebook, we invite you to join the group. Contact either Nicki or Jennifer for information.

You are also invited to visit our new blog, Voices From the Class of '63,

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Winds of Change Are Blowing

All around us we are getting messages of change and reminders that things don’t always stay the same. The time is changing (don’t forget to fall back on November 2!); the weather is changing to a winter chill; the leaves on the trees are changing to bright fall colors and will soon change to winter brown; the season will change to winter followed quickly by spring and summer. The political candidates propose endless changes, and indeed we will have a change in the presidency on January 20. However, most importantly, the Reflections blog for the CHS Class of 1963 is changing. (Just kidding about the most important part!) Seriously, we are making changes in our blog. For 14 months we have loved writing posts to share with you. Initially the blog was created as a means for reuniting the classmates in our graduating class—sort of a where is everyone now type of thing. The vision was that we could, through the blog, enjoy a virtual reunion of getting re-acquainted by posting, commenting, and emailing. Later the blog served as a vehicle for planning a real face to face reunion. Of course, like “true love” everything didn’t go as smoothly as one would have liked, but happily we did finally meet for a wonderful reunion in Childress. I would like to think that the seeds have been planted for future meetings, reunions, and above all, staying in contact with one another. Believe me when I say that for those of you who did not appear on the blog or come to the reunion, each of you were missed.

However, as I said above, changes are a’coming and this decision for change has not been an easy one. While we absolutely love the blog, the time has come to say that in its present format and purpose, Reflections has run its course. Our goals for reconnecting have been met and that is a very satisfying feeling. At this point we believe that we should give the blog and ourselves a rest. When I say “rest”, I mean that for the foreseeable future we will not be adding new posts or comments. It is our desire that the blog will stand as a testament to the way we were and to the “we” that we are today.

I have recently spent time rereading every post and comment and they were even better the second or third or fourth time around. The blog will stay on the web as it is with only minor changes which you will see over the next week. We have gone public by making the posts available to search engines on the web. I have added defining labels to all posts which will make them easier to find by subject. After all, this is our “history” and we want to share our stories now and in the future. There will never be another Childress High School Class of 1963 and we still have much to offer.

I do want to assure you that over time if we receive important or notable news concerning our classmates we will post this information. Our history isn’t over. Should anyone plan another reunion or get together, we could reopen the blog for this purpose.

For now, I encourage each of you to stay in touch with old friends and newly discovered friends. I also encourage you to make it a point to notify us or someone else when you move or get a new email address. Now that we have found each other, let’s not allow anyone to get lost again! Friends are forever and we need you!

As I have stated many times, the blog would not have been as successful or as much fun without help from all of you who contributed in one way or another—addresses, posts, comments, photos, information and most of all your support in reading the blog. Jennifer knows how I feel about her and I hope each person recognizes that she was indeed a driving force behind what we have done and enjoyed. Immediately below this post, Jennifer has published a wonderful post of farewell. I am so proud for what we all together have been able to accomplish!

Comments to these posts will not be possible so we encourage you to email or contact Jennifer or myself (Nicki) if you have questions or comments. We will always be happy to hear from each one of you.

For now, as of Friday, October 31, 2008, Reflections on the Way We Were: The Childress High School Class of 1963 blog is at rest.

May you all have a wonderful holiday season and a safe, healthy, and happy 2009.